Light switches, security panels, speakers, stereos, televisions, charging stations – homes have become veritable nerve centers of technology. Improve your home’s style and décor by eliminating the visual debris associated with electronic devices. Simply stuffing remotes and screens into cupboards are clunky solutions that ultimately create frustration. There are better ways that are elegant and simple!

As the owner of Sound & Theater, I’ve worked with the full array of techniques available to hide technology. Below I offer some suggestions on the art of hiding technology in ways that improve ease of use, enhance its abilities, and fit more modest budgets.

Conceal and Consolidate.

The key is integration. A single switch for multiple systems removes many conventional devices from sight. For example, many homeowners have multiple light switches and dimmers in a living room that are rarely used to their full potential. A single control removes the wall acne of all the switches allowing you to set various themes for any mood such as party, evening, or cleaning, with a touch of a button.

Camouflage. Disguise it!

Replace exposed speakers on the side of the house with ones interspersed through the garden that blend into the aesthetics of the environment. Additionally, the sound performance is enhanced because the sound is directed inward to the house. For the interior, a transducer will convert a wall or surface into the speaker. It’s completely invisible! Or consider a two-way bathroom mirror that acts as a television screen and a mirror.


A homeowner can eliminate entire devices by putting a home’s audio visual into a single control. Think of one Blu-ray and Roku or Apple TV that can be shared throughout the house instead of one at each TV location.

Remotely Locate.

Remote location removes unsightly equipment from popular spaces such as the living room and relocates it to the basement or equipment closet.

The elegance of the above examples is their simplicity and ease of use. Advanced planning, design philosophy, and product selection with an audio visual professional (Certified Custom Integrator) will improve your home’s décor and enhance your enjoyment of your home’s technology.


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